Community and Outreach Projects
Community radio is provided by and for the benefit of our community
SourceFM are keen to get involved with and support our local community in whatever way we can. As such we are working with various organisations on various projects, and are completely open to getting involved with others.
Carols for Christmas
In December 2021 Source FM promoted a 'Carols for Christmas' at the Princess Pavilion, Falmouth with the involvement of two local Schools.
Due to the great success of this event, seven more schools asked to be involved in 2022 over a period of two nights.
Again the excitement of both the audience and children eventually was relayed to more schools and for this coming Christmas of 2023 a total of 12 schools will be will be taking part over three nights.
This initiative by the Source has given the opportunity for Primary school children to perform on a live stage, with professional sound and lighting, in front of friends, family and the general public.
The excitement in the auditorium was palpable.
Following this very successful event the Source has undertaken to visit the relevant schools and assist them in making their own sound production and recording.

The Head of Constantine Primary School Mrs Caroline Gilbert wrote...
“The Source have supported our school and encouraged us to perform on a professional stage for 2 years now. This is an opportunity many children can only dream of.
Not only that, we have had the privilege of visiting the studio to record our school choir and also had pupils in a cross Atlantic broadcast with those on the other side of the ocean – amazing!"
The Source is a CIC (Community Interest Company) but all at the Source prefer to say that "we are a CIC (Company Interested in the Community
You can listen to the Carol Concert Here!
Falmouth to Falmouth
Falmouth to Falmouth is a radio show which links the communities of Falmouth in Cap Cod in the USA to our very own Falmouth here in Cornwall!
The program introduces like minded people from each side of the Atlantic to each other and then records the amazing online conversations that they have for later broadcast.
We have had potters, oyster fishermen, young environmentalists, people with housing difficulties and community police officers to mention just a few.
Click the image to the right to read more about it.
Produced in association with CAI in Cape Cod
A new Outlook
SourceFM presents a series of features offering ways to norish and enrich your life.
Each week we have a conversation with local practioners and people offering ideas of activities, both free and supported, which could allow you to put yourself and your well being first.
This page allows you to select conversations that may interest you. These include subjects like Yoga and Meditation, Wild Swimming, Forest Bathing, Menstrual Health and Nutrition, Medical Cannabis, Ecstatic Dancing and many more!